The lotus flower is a great representation of human life. The life cycle of the lotus flower is one of inspiration and beauty for anyone who feels held back by the grime around them. Each night the lotus is submerged in murky waters and then reemerges in the morning with its petals untouched by the grime. Even though the lotus is rooted in the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to tarnish its true beauty. Lotus Therapy Group recognizes that we all have a story. Just like the lotus flower, we do not have to let the dirt around us affect our potential and ability for growth. We strongly believe that everyone can conquer darkness and work towards blooming into who they were born to become. At Lotus Therapy Group we honor the mud as much as we honor the flower.

Every flower must grow through the dirt


To all of our clients who have been brave enough to trust us with their dirt and have allowed us to witness their blooming, we are so grateful to be a part of your journey.

— Lotus Therapy Group